A work related repetitive strain injury is damage to your muscles, tendons or nerves caused by repetitive motions and constant use. Federal laws and guidelines require employers to accommodate their employees’ needs to prevent repetitive strain injuries.
What are some types of work related pain injuries:
- Carpal Tunnel
- Neck tension and headaches
- Shoulder Rotator Cuff strain
- Elbow Pain , and tendonitis
- Wrist and Hand Pain
- Hip and Knee pain from sitting too long
- Back muscle pain
- Hamstring and Butt pain from sitting too long
- Numbness in the hands or in the feet
- Knee Pain from sitting for too long
- IT band syndrome
- Strain from lifting
How can these injuries be treated ?
Surgery is NOT always the answer. There are NONSURGICAL options available! MOST patients have not tried all of the nonsurgical relief treatments that are available. In fact, a lot of patients are scared of surgery, and are looking for alternative treatments but they are unsure of where to go. Some knee conditions can be treated with correct general recovery practices such as rest, ice, compression and elevation. However, some issues may need more intensive treatment. At Wake Nonsurgical Ortho & Sports Medicine in Raleigh, NC, our treatments are focused on providing patients with the most advanced and precise nonsurgical treatments as possible. These nonsurgical treatments are minimally invasive, yet highly effective: