Wake Sports Medicine Partners with CAMP GLADIATOR

Wake Sports Medicine has partnered with Camp Gladiator -Raleigh to provide sports medicine coverage for sports injuries , sprain, and strains.

If you have not heard about Camp Gladiator, here is a little bit about them:

Camp Gladiator is more than a fitness boot camp, it’s an experience. Created by American Gladiator Grand Champion Ally Davidson, they have become the fastest growing and most dynamic fitness program in the nation. Camp Gladiator is a four week adult fitness boot camp that promises a motivating and challenging environment where men and women of all ages and fitness levels can push themselves. Campers should expect a total body workout. A typical session could include interval training, sprint and agility drills, stations, plyometrics, body weight strength drills, cardio mix, and much more. It’s all designed to increase your functional strength, speed, stamina and, most importantly, to deliver results.

Camp Gladiator is the national leader in group fitness. It is not limited by a title: gym, club, camp — the only word that does justice to what we are is a movement! Camp Gladiator is a wave of positive energy that sweeps through a community, causing people to connect to who they were meant to be. We believe you are meant to run, jump, crawl, sweat, compete and believe! It is a refuge to be around other like-minded individuals, working together to accomplish something for yourself and be challenged from within. We want to show you just how far you can go if you’d only let go and be fearless. They reignite the flame that already burns inside of you that is dimmed from years of neglect, but still burning. Unleash the fire, join the movement — become a Gladiator!


3237 Blue Ridge Rd.

Raleigh, NC 27612

Phone: (919) 719-2270

Mon-Fri: 8 am- 3pm

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